
Showing posts from January, 2009

Budapest dogs

snapple: "Real Fact" 273: Each year the average American eats about 15lbs. of apples. Howie's brother is holding his own. Howie and his brother Astro will be celebrating a Birthday February 2. Horray for the best dogs in America.

Snapple cap fact

Howie is progressing in Physical therapy. He does not run on 3 legs as much as he used to. He does not like it when I massage his back slowly along the spine... It creeps him out. Perhaps I am doing it too hard. I'm supposed to only massage his leg when it is straight. We are worried about Howie's brother Astro, who is having trouble with his eyeballs. His condition is worsening. Our thoughts are with him.... The boys have a birthday coming up Feb 2nd. Snapple Fact # 384: Each year, the average person walks the distance from NY to Miami.


I never tire of looking at the birdies at our birdfeeders. Frank does a good job keeping them full. We had a blackout last night for almost an hour. Several towns nearby had no power either. Our gas fireplace never went off. Good to know. Frank said if the lights did not come back on, we'd all go to a hotel. Me, Howie and Gordy.

53 or 54

Some people think you become "you" once your mother becomes pregnant, so today, on my "birth" day, the day I entered the world, I would have already been at least 9 months old. So according to these people, I would be almost 54, not 53. My 2 favorite birthday cards are not actually birthday cards, but birthday postcards... On the left, Goodwill sends me a card and Princess Cruises, who we took a cruise with about 5 years ago, also sent me birthday wishes. Perfect. As I'm writing, listening to DEvotchka's music I am copying this little ditty from Hugo. I am partial to him. "So long as we have one companion, life is endurable; left entirely alone, it seems as if it is impossible to drag on, and we refuse to try, which is the first sign of despair. As time rolls on, however, we discover that duty is a series of compromises; we comtemplate life, we contemplate death, and submit; but it is a submission which makes the heart bleed."

New visions

I repaired jewelry for 2 days straight. Not an artistic endeavor, but I have to get it all pretty looking for Valentines day. I will produce something, but have to keep moving this stuff out here too.

More of Howie at rehab

I am going to spend less time on the computer and more time doing art. I do have to clean up my ebay room (since I did not list all the stuff I was supposed to for xmas) and put it away for next year. I seem to be all over the place. Having difficulty focusing. I am considering getting a professional organizer again. I did not like the one I met a couple years ago. She was too pushy and mean. She was older than me and I don't see how she can help me if she can't lift a small box. I am a procrastinator. I don't know why I put stuff off,but I do. I am not going to analyze it... I know a couple reasons why I do this, but also know when I accomplish something I was putting off I really feel good when I finish it. Yes, this posting was about me me me... But this blog is my opinions about art and sometimes it does have a lot to do with ego and thinking you are not good enough and lack the confidence, creativity and imagination of your peers, whoever they are.

Life span

Snapple cat fact #62 The life span of a taste bud is ten days.

howie and chaps the cat

Howie at Therapy today

This is Howie on a big yellow ball. It is a balancing exercise. I can't upload the film of him on the treadmill... Sorry. He's been resting since we got home this evening. He worked really hard today.

Howie and the frog's arm

Yesterday as I was drinking coffee in the kitchen, I heard the familiar throw up sound from the dining room. I saw Gordy in front of me, so I knew it was not him throwing up... I was worried because Howie the dog never throws up... He was hovering around a 5" object... I made him leave it and he ran into his crate to hide. I thought for sure he snagged something and ate it. He threw up the arm of his soft frog playtoy. What was wierd about this? I threw out the damaged being last week! He had that stuffed toy arm in him stomach for a week? I'm sparing you the photo... It was a green arm covered in stomach juices. He's fine now. I'm sure the next time I hear the throw up noise it will be Gordy the cat. Again.


Snapple cap fact #261: Playing in a marching band is considered moderate exercise.

vintage paint by number

Snapple cap fact # 356: You exhale air at 15 mph.

kiss the moon


yellow bottles


Jeopardy Question to yesterday's Answer

Question: What is The Great Gatsby

Jeopardy Answer

Answer: Much of this 1925 Novel takes place in the West Egg Area of Long Island. Question: I'll give the question tommorow. Until then, qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ce soir? Ellen, if you are reading this, answer...

Even Squirrels have to eat

The birdseed falls into the planter and the squirrel goes in there and eats. It's comical, but probably not to the squirrel.

snapple cap fact

Real Fact #171 The most sensitive parts of the body are the mouth and fingertips.

Snapple cap fact

Real Fact # 100: In a year, the average person walks four miles making his or her bed.

Well said Mr. London

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." -- Jack London

Make a choice

You are no bigger than the things that annoy you. Jerry Bundsen


I am having trouble with doing art. Sitting down and painting, drawing, anything. I have this often in the winter months. I went to the web and looked to see what others do when they feel uninspired (for whatever reason)... There are no clear cut answers. One person said it really is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. I did find "100 ideas by keri smith". If something propels me, I'll report it.

Flying Squirrel Now lives on our birdfeeder

I am not going to take any more photos of Mr. Flying Squirrel. He is a regular fixture at our birdfeeder on the front porch. He is not bothered by us watching him. I don't really know if it is the same squirrel or his brother or mother, but just about every night a flying squirrel is glued to the birdfeeder eating away at the sunflower seeds. It is supposed to snow 7 inches tonight. More shoveling. Just when my shoulder was starting to feel better.

waiting for a cab in Vancouver

Found this from a couple years ago... We were walking from the pier area up the hill and I snapped this photo. I like painted signs. You still see a lot of handmade signs in Mexico.

Rat Terrier Saved from jaws of shark

A guy in Florida jumped into the water and punched a shark so he would let go of his rat terrier.... The dog is going to survive. Great story.

Loco in Mexico

This is a photograph of me as I am on a zipline in Mexico. I was scared to death and the photographer poses me and tells me to smile (so we can buy the picture from her at the end of the ride) I am a safe person. I don't do scary.If I would have know I was going to have to hike up these mountains, and zip across miles of lines as fast as a car, I would never have done this... Ignorance really is bliss... As the lines were getting higher and longer, I just shut my eyes as I flew 540ft above the river. I never looked down and I squinted as I approached the other side so I can see if I was going to crash...If I did not have the support of the family there, I don't know if I would have been able to finish. I researched it when I got home and it seems pretty safe. Not a lot of deaths so far.



Fine Dining in Mexico

While it is true we did not eat here, I love handmade signs and the advertisment for Hamburgers and Hotdogs was irrestible.

Mexico Colors

These colors look great in Mexico, but look out of place when done here in the states... unless it is New Orleans

Masked Man

From a poster advertising a fight in Puerto Vallarta Mexico