More of Howie at rehab

I am going to spend less time on the computer and more time doing art. I do have to clean up my ebay room (since I did not list all the stuff I was supposed to for xmas) and put it away for next year. I seem to be all over the place. Having difficulty focusing. I am considering getting a professional organizer again. I did not like the one I met a couple years ago. She was too pushy and mean. She was older than me and I don't see how she can help me if she can't lift a small box.
I am a procrastinator. I don't know why I put stuff off,but I do. I am not going to analyze it... I know a couple reasons why I do this, but also know when I accomplish something I was putting off I really feel good when I finish it. Yes, this posting was about me me me... But this blog is my opinions about art and sometimes it does have a lot to do with ego and thinking you are not good enough and lack the confidence, creativity and imagination of your peers, whoever they are.


Anonymous said…
That feeling of accomplishment after I do something I've been putting off is what motivates me. ...It doesn't always work though. Get a young professional organizer!!

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