Reality... what a concept. Wish others would ebrace it too...

Why do people like to get High so much? It is awful being around people who are stoned or drunk or both..
What is wrong about being real? Is life so awful? So unbearable that an altered perspective is better than what is at hand?
I get drunk pretty easy, so I have to watch how much I drink. Also, I hate throwing up. Getting nasty drunk brings on the vomit. I mean, who the fuck likes to throw up? Or better yet, clean up the throw up? Some people are mean drunks, happy drunks, silly drunks or loud obnoxious talkative drunks. People who get high are for the most part not mean... but they can get talkative and obnoxious and giddy and stupid. Mixed with booze and it is a disaster! Selfish and self centered idiots.
What is wrong with us as a species that we have to drink or smoke pot or take drugs to go on with our lives?

Also, what about the whole religion thing? Why are these right wingers such big pot heads and drunks? Are we so flawed that we have to believe in some greater being in order to make sense of our existence and follow man made rules to give our lives meaning.
What is happening to us as a species? Why are we so fucked up. Why is life so painful for some of us we have to erase the evidence of living and feeling?
 How can you know how to live and think you have all the answers when you can't possibly understand life because you are not living life. ,... You are fucking stoned. You are afraid of living. You won't accept the responsibility of living.
Well, I can go on and on about what I think are the answers. As you get older you understand life. Nothing has changed in this regard. I would hear this when I was younger too... It transcends generations...
I have less tolerance for extremes as I get older. I fear the extremists will ruin the species. Religion is not the answer, It is the problem. If we can't find one stupid idiot living in a cave in the middle east trying to kill all of us, what hope do we have to survive?

So, with these rantings, I bring in 2010.


Alcohol has been my crutch for managing anxiety and chronic pain. Too bad it has side effects like
weight gain
mood swings
lighter pocket book

yeah. fuck all that.
Artorama said…
thanks for your comment.
Oh, and the Religion thing!?
Puh-lease. I can't stand to hear someone say "I go to church" or I practice judaism and yet, they don't practice what is preached. Going in to a building, be it a church or whatever does not a practicing "believer" or devout follower make. It makes a hypocrite. Why do people feel absolved of their sins if they hit confession on a saturday and then head out the door and be assholes to their fellow man?

Also—If your religion prohibits you from smoking pot or gambling, don't smoke a bowl in the parking lot of the casino. And if you do, don't preach to me about the sacrifices you have made in the eyes of your god. YAWN.

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