Eddie Howard's

I have these 2 new photos in my collection. I can't find a Eddie Howard Bar in this area.. There was a Eddy Howard who dropped out of Medical School to become a singer and ended up dead at 48 years old. He died in Florida.
Judging by the way these people were dressed in the top photograph, I'd guess 40's -50's and not in Florida with the overcoats and furs.

The bar, which I think was a piano bar, from what I can tell, sure got run down from the time the first photo was taken. The 2nd photo boasts perch dinners for $1.00 and several signs stating " No Dancing Allowed".
The bartender was nicely dressed in the first photo and in the second, he looks like he rolled out of bed to be there. Or, maybe no air conditioning, or both.

The photos were bought in the area where I live, but there is no telling where the bar was located. Too bad. I love the history on these old photos.


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