

Being Jewish does not mean I have to give up my love of Santa Claus. I have fond memories of Santa when I was little.
After my parents divorced, my mother raised us Catholic and I remember her filling our felt stockings with ST. Nicholas gifts (usually fruit, nuts and a gingerbread cookie with a paper label of Old ST. Nicholas... if you were a bad little girl you got a devil gingerbread cookie. The same paper label, but he was the devil, The horror!!! The equivelent of coal in your stocking)

Now I'm older and I just don't care about Christmas and gifts... It is just not the same as when you were a kid. These are all lessons you don't understand when you are young. NOw I'm old and wish for things I really cannot have.. things you cannot buy. Buying anything is easy.. the important things have nothing to do with money or presents.
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