There is nothing like a trip to an art
museum to get you out of a SAD,
(Seasonal Affective Disorder) frigid cold depression.
I bought this lovely snow globe hand made in the USA,
I know can you believe it was made here???
When I went to check out with my stack of goodies,
the clerk at the Museum gift shop told me when David Sedaris
came in at Christmas time, this globe was his sole purchase.

She also told me she is a huge fan of his work and went to the book
signing when he was in town. He signed the book, "thanks for all your $$UPORT ".
she knew the dollar signs instead of the letter S was predictable, but she still chuckled.
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Sara B. said…
Best snow globe I've ever seen!

Who doesn't need a little FUCK in their life?! ;P
EXCELLENT photo. what a capture.
Wait. Who's butt is that? It's not Gordo.

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