
Showing posts from June, 2010

The Texan BBQ

After visiting the Texan BBQ again, I have to admit it is ok.  Good for these parts, but it ain't like the stuff we had at 4 Rivers or Papas from Houston.
this is serious tunafish

alll tucked in

It's amazing to me our little Howie tucks himself in like he's still in the womb when Frank is away. When I see him like this I remember how little he was when I first got him. I used to carry him in my pocket in my bathrobe.
Here is a political Cubs Fan. I know him very well.
This is a marble frog Frank brought home a few years ago. It has another frog sitting on his back. It is carved out of marble. This figurine greets you as you go onto the screened in porch.
Here's my Howie tired from playing with his new squirrel toy.
When did they start making dog toys so cute? I haven't given this one to howie yet. I did give him the squirrel.

Hi Mr. Muffler man

I know this is a blurry shot. It is in a really bad location. You have to get out of your car, which I did not have time to do. It is a little muffler man with his doggie!.... I took the shot before making the left turn. It is an iphone shot.

the bug man came today

we may be able to enjoy our property this year...  we are having the place treated for mosquitos and wasps.  I found some flying carpenter ants in the attic and a cricket wasp on the screened in porch.  No more!  I don't hate insects, I just don't want to live with them. 

cannot wait to see what I put in these jars

I will update barn progress soon.

garden still life


what's under the cloche now?

100 year old candy jar in stand. 

A dangerous spring for Dagmar

not to long ago, I sliced open my finger and it finally healed.  Now I have a fx finger on my dominant hand and I cannot type well.  Lots of f'n spelling mistakes... This is the old wire fence Frank took down years ago. Used to be curled up where the farm is behind us.  It was in the little shed, but I put it out behind the barn and now it is home to creeping charlie.  I love this new iphone photo app. Breaking a bone is very painful.  I look like a retard with this huge splint and I try to wear gloves in the barn and can't get a glove to fit the injured finger!!! I am making slow progress in the barn.  Unloading vintage linens which were stored for 7 or more years.. I need to get rid of a lot of frames and art work.  I did sell a A. Fox print last week in the shop.  We had a real nice FAther's DAy for Frank.  Katie and Ari came to visit.  Snapple cap fact 808:  Some violins contain 70 seperate pieces of wood

unknown artist in downtown Milwaukee Exhibit hallway


every town and city has a crazy person

I was at a stoplight and had an opportunity to snap this quick photo with my iphone.  The car is filled with evil things about the world and how the devil is going to get you, you are going to hell, etc.   A bratz doll and assorted figures were on the car too.  A wierd old wrinkly man was behind the wheel of this old station wagon.


Snapple cap fact 822:  The only jointless bone in the body is in your throat.

Flamingo Fact

Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.  Snapple cap fact #751

assemblage artist nightmare

Before the clean up I took these photos.  This stuff has to be gone so I can breathe. 

squirrel smiling on a roof


male cardinal


doves and squirrel


mr red headed
