Wildlife at the farm

These photos are not happy.  This Raccoon has been spotted around here last week.  This morning he made his way to our driveway and took a rest.  Judging by the dried blood on his tail, he was either run over or injured.  I'm not sure if he's missing his left eye or not.  Sure hope the neighbor who shoots his rifle while sitting on the roof of his pole barn didn't do this to him.

I don't think he is sick. I think he's injured and if I see him again, I'll call animal control and see if they can nurse him back to health.  He is not foaming at the mouth, walking funning, etc.  He was eating food from our garbage can and our bird feeder.


A sign of distemper in raccoons is bleeding foot pads and weeping mucous eyes. This raccoon looks like it needs to be forcefully sent to "raccoon heaven" just sayin'.

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