No time to be naked


The winter storm has begun! I have not heard a lot of snow plows and the people who plow our driveway have not shown up yet... maybe they want to move all of it at once?
I'm not shoveling today. Hurt my shoulder and arms... I think it is nature's way of telling you your body is deteriorating, breaking down.. we were not meant to live forever and our bodies tell us this every day as we age. You have to get used to it, or you will go crazy.. There are meds for this, so suck it up. My mother in law Phyllis used to say" Getting old is not for Sissys". She was right.. about most things. We miss her. She was so full of life. Since her passing the family is not the same.

I'm still in the art room cleaning up. Deciding what stays and what goes. Listening to Pepe and the Bottle Blondes' Late nIght Betty on the Ipod. Love Latin Music.

As I sit here typing I'm watching the little birds jump from the branches of the trees to the bird feeders. They have to eat a lot in this weather to keep warm. Thankfully the squirrels have'nt penetrated one of the "squirrel proof" bird feeders so they get to eat too.
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