Jets Fan lives here

Frank came home with this photo of a Jets football player. I don't watch football.
I thought it sounded like a baseball player. I know it sounds awful, but I did not know Mexicans played football.


* Raul Allegre - NFL place kicker
* Leo Araguz - NFL punter
* Marc Bulger - NFL quarterback
* Louis Vasquez - NFL offensive lineman
* Greg Camarillo - NFL wide receiver
* Tony Casillas - retired NFL defensive lineman
* Ronnie Cruz - NFL Fullback
* Tom Fears - NFL wide receiver
* Tom Flores - NFL coach
* Aaron Garcia - college and Arena football quarterback
* Jeff Garcia - NFL quarterback
* James Garcia - retired NFL defensive end for the
Cleveland Browns and New Orleans Saints in the late 1960s
* Norberto Garrido - NFL offensive lineman
* Roberto Garza - NFL offensive guard
* Joe Kapp - retired NFL quarterback
* J. P. Losman - NFL quarterback
* Max Montoya - retired NFL guard
* Zeke Moreno - former NFL linebacker
* Anthony Muñoz - retired NFL offensive guard,
member of Pro Football Hall of Fame
* Eric Plunkett - retired NFL player for Oakland Raiders
* Jim Plunkett - retired NFL quarterback
* Jack del Rio - retired NFL linebacker and
current head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars
* Rich Rodriguez- current head football
coach at the University of Michigan
* Tony Romo - NFL quarterback
* Mark Sanchez - NFL Quarterback- NY Jets
* Daniel Sepulveda - NFL punter
Artorama said…
Well Missy, you are quite the showoff. I guess you showed me.
I had no idea. Sometimes admitting ignorance pays off: I now know not to sterotype athletes.
i had no idea there were so many mexican-americans in the game either!

and tony romo... his real name is
Antonio Ramiro! Who knew?

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