Hey, Christmas is almost here

Frank listens to a Podcast by a local radio personality. This guy said he hates Christmas. He said his wife and kids like it, he hates it. He said Harry Carry, the famous White Sox and later Cubs announcer also hated Christmas... so much so, that he went to a hotel and drank until the holiday was over. I don't know if it's true, but if you ask me, it sounds like he just wanted to binge drink. Saying you don't like Easter or Christmas or whatever and sitting in a hotel drinking is just that...drinking by yourself. Sad.

I'm not going to these extremes, but the older I get, the least interested I am in Christmas. 100 years ago, the consumerism of Christmas did not exist, so there was no big hoopla about Christmas...But there were no Malls or Ipods back then. What were you going to do? Make a nice meal, bake some bread, cookies, simple things.

See what happens when you get older? YOu end up talking like the old foggies you had to tolerate when you were younger. Rolling your eyes upward yet?

I don't like the physical changes involved in getting older, but the wisedom is cool. Having things make sense and matter. Oh Yes, it is worth it.


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