My Art from Nina Bagley's Workshop

It is hard for me to put my art on here. In a workshop most of the people around you are supportive of what you are doing. When you put your art in public, it is out there for people to judge. At my age I have to be able to take whatever critisim comes my way. This is not for everyone and I know it. Just like clothes and food and religion, everyone has their own way of taking in the world and expressing themselves. This is mine. For now. I am always changing. That's why the title of the blog is Artorama. One day I am doing fine art, ie Oil Painting, the next day I am cutting up tin cans or soldering microscope slides. I cannot figure out what I want to do, so I do it all. For a while I just worked on perspective with a pencil and pad. 2 years ago I bought a bird bath to mosiac and I am just now getting around to doing it. I am supposed to be getting ready for a barn/garage sale. I guess it will be in October. It's a better time of year, since the mosquitos will really be gone and most of the other garage sales will be over.
So, you can either enjoy what you see, or not. It's ok.


Sara said…
I really like these!!

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