
Showing posts from September, 2007

life is not so good at this exact moment

Lots of changes

hummingbird news

I saw the hummingbird today. He came right up to the kitchen window, like he was saying hello, "look at me". What a beautiful bird. A strange little bird must have hit one of the front large windows, I saw him sitting, yes sitting on the floor of the front porch. He had a spotted breast. Before I could call an emergency bird service, the morning dove fly by, startled the bird and he flew away. Happy he was mobile. All is good, off to work.

Big Ass spotted frog with door


PV Door CArd


guilty, very guilty

Nature update: I saw a black squirrel last Thursday. The hummingbirds are still around the feeder. They have not left yet. The tree frog is still on our back door at night. I no longer pick him up. He does not like it.


The tree frog is back. He is on top of the screen at the back door. Our hummingbird is still around. We have another month before he migrates to warmer climes. Toads are small, but plentiful. It's a good sign we still have life around here.

day 3

more woes


really nothing

broken back

yep, back pain is a bitc*